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Plymouth Philatelic Society

MEETINGS – are held at                                                                 St Budeaux Methodist Church, Stirling Road                   St Budeaux,  Plymouth PL5 1PD.

Our meetings start at 7.00 pm.  Entry is through the side double door facing Stirling Road.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings

2024 Meetings

.   03.01.24  –  Annual Auction

.   07.02.24  –  Andrew Teller-Brunton   –  Chile

.  06.03.24  –  Competitions evening

.  03.04.24   –  Members evening

  • 01.05.24  –   Bob Wheeler  – GB Essays, etc
  • 15.05.24  =   Visit to Exmouth Stamp Club
  • 05.06.24  –    A.G.M.
  • 03.07.24  –  Members   …  Forgeries Workshop
  • 07.08.24  –  Ian Marshall  – London Coffee                                                                             Houses
  • 04.09.24 – Alan Taylor – Antarctica
  • 02.10.24 – Terry Cowlard  –      GB  …..                                              “Not a Lot of People Know That”
  • 06.11.24 – Dave Jefferies – British Offshore                                                                          Islands
  • 04.12.24 – Members – 10 Sheets, something                                                  beginning with P or Q 


2023 Meetings


We held meetings on the following dates

01.02.23 –   Gary Green  –  Malta

  01.03.23 –   Competitions

  05.04.23 –   Bill Lusty  –  Franco-Prussian War

  03.05.23  –   Viv Sandercock  –  The Guianas

  • 07.06.23  –    A.G.M.  
  • 05.07.23  –  Bryan Short     –  Early Great Britain
  • 02.08.23  –  Alan Taylor        –  Bermuda
  •  06.09.23 –  Des Kent            –   Namibia
  • 04.10.23   –  Jim Parsons  –  New Zealand
  • 01.11.23  –   David Jeffries  – India and States
  • 06.12.23  –    10 Sheets  – Letters N and/or O

2022 Meetings


Red Date   indicates dealer present from 6:30pm

  • 05.01.22 – Annual Auction (Up to 15 lots per Member)
  • 02.02.22 –  John Woolven-Allen   –  Ascension & Papua
  • 02.03.22 – Competitions
    • General Class, Thematics, Postal History,
    • Social Philately, Newcomers
  • 06.04.22 –  Rob Hubble   –   China 
  • 04.05.22 – Ed Elsey –  “Ed and Chums”
  • 01 June 22 –    AGM,  
  •                           then the Committee entertains
  • 06.07.22 – Neil Sargent –  Postal History
  • 03.08.22 – Alan Vaughan –  GB  Edward VII
  • 07.09.22 – Terry Cowlard –  US Presidents
  • 05.10.22 – Dave Cleaver –  Nuclear Subs
  • 02.11.22 – Member displays, and Table-Top Sale  INSTEAD OF Wessex Roadshow (not available

 07.12.22 – Members  –  10 Sheets –  Letters L & M

Saturday 20 June 2020
We were holding a Mayflower 400 Exhibition & Collectors Fair in the Plymouth Guildhall on Saturday 20 June 2020, but this was CANCELLED.  See our latest Promotional Leaflet